Prevent Cavities on Your Child’s Back Teeth with Dental Sealants

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It’s a natural part of life, and a rite of passage for your child’s 20 primary teeth, to loosen and fall out as they grow. This is nature’s way of making room for their 32 adult teeth. With most children the premolars and molars start to emerge in early adolescence. It’s somewhat common for the occlusal, or biting surface on premolars and molars to deep pits, and contours. These areas can sometimes be a challenge to keep clean.

If residual food particles and plaque get stuck in the pits and contours of the biting surface, it greatly increases their chances of large cavities forming. This often calls for large fillings which could prove to be problematic later on in their life.

If one of the dentists at [practice-name] notices deep pits or stuck on plaque and food particles in these areas, they might recommend dental sealants.

Dental sealants a durable plastic-resin that the dentist paints onto the biting surface of your child’s premolars and molars. A special ultraviolet light is used to harden the resin. Even if plaque and food particles get stuck in the deep contours, the resin will prevent bacteria from directly attacking the enamel biting surface.

The dentist can usually apply the sealants after your child’s regular dental checkup. The dental sealants are very durable and can help to protect the biting surface of your child’s teeth for several years.

If you have any questions about dental sealants for yourself or your child, please call Johnson Ranch Dental at 916-784-1700 to schedule an appointment.

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