Sensitive teeth can keep you from enjoying your favorite treats. However, thousands of people seem to overlook that their smiles are actually warning them that something might be wrong. Here at Johnson Ranch Dental in Roseville, California, our office is proud to give you some information on teeth sensitivity and why you should not overlook it.
Did you know that if you eat ice cream, enjoy a cool drink, or even a hot coffee or cocoa, these treats can give you pain? This is a vital sign of having sensitive teeth. If you suffer from sensitive teeth, your smile might be telling you something important.
Explanations for sensitive teeth include tooth decay, worn fillings, gum disease, fractured teeth, an exposed tooth root, or worn tooth enamel. The greatest way to find out why your teeth are sensitive is to see Dr. Oliver Wong That way, your oral health can be in tip-top shape in no time.
There are many ways to help your teeth until you are able to visit the dentist. Having desensitizing toothpaste can make your tooth easier to handle with your favorite treats. Also, fluoride tablets can help give strength to your tooth enamel and ease your pain. Other methods consist of dental procedures like crowns and root canals.
Don’t let sensitive teeth get you down this summer season. Enjoying your favorite treats can be possible again if you are willing to correct the issue. If you still have questions or concerns and would like to learn more, please call us today at 916-784-1700 to set up an appointment. Our professional team is ready to help make your smile painless.