Teeth get lost sometimes, and that can leave us with a gap in our smile. Of course, there are many ways to fill in the gap, and one of them is a dental bridge.
A dental bridge can replace that missing tooth by providing a natural-looking artificial one. A bridge is usually crafted with a pontic, which is the artificial tooth, and it is linked to two dental crowns. The crowns are settled over the teeth that stand near the empty gap, and they hold the pontic in place, which gives you a sturdy tooth in that area once again.
A bridge offers quite a few benefits. With a missing tooth, you may find it more difficult to talk as clearly as you used to. With a bridge in place, you can maintain your ability to speak.
A bridge can also keep your surrounding teeth from moving out of their proper position. Our teeth support each other, and when one gets lost, its neighbors may drift out of alignment. A bridge can keep nearby teeth stable, which can help your smile retain its appearance and function.
If you find yourself in need of a replacement for one of your teeth, Dr. Oliver Wong and our team can provide a dental bridge here at Johnson Ranch Dental in Roseville, California. You can call us at 916-784-1700, and we will be happy to share more information and schedule a visit for you.