If you have one or more missing teeth, our team has some great news for you! There are many tooth-replacement options in the dental world today that will help you have the complete and beautiful smile you deserve. Those options are:
If you want a removable dental appliance that gives you the results you are looking for, dentures are the right product for you! There are two different types of dentures available, and those types are complete dentures and partial dentures. Complete dentures are meant to replace every tooth in your smile while partial dentures are meant to fill a space between your remaining natural teeth.
Dental bridge
A dental bridge is a helpful product if you want to permanently replace one or more missing teeth in a row. The bridge is made of two dental crowns and one or more artificial teeth. It is anchored to the remaining natural teeth in your smile and it gives you the strong and dependable results you need.
Dental implant
A dental implant is a great option if you’re looking to replace your missing tooth and its root. With this surgical treatment, your dentist will place a small titanium post into the bone socket of your missing tooth. Then, he will place a dental crown over that post once the jaw bone has completely healed around it.
Your dentist, Dr. Wong, and our team care about you and your oral health, which is why we encourage you to call 916-784-1700 today and schedule an appointment if you’re interested in finally replacing your missing teeth. When you come into our office, we will be happy to examine your smile and tell you the best tooth-replacement option in Roseville, CA!