How Smoking Damages Teeth

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When you’re smoking, you’re not only weakening your lungs: you’re also damaging your teeth. Because smoking and using tobacco can impair proper flows of blood, your gums may not be getting the amounts of oxygen and other nutrients they need if you smoke, making them more likely to harm.

If you smoke or use tobacco, here are a few more motives behind why you might think about stopping:

– Smoking increases your probability of forming periodontal disease.
– Deadly substances in smoke weaken the immune system and contaminate gums, a combo extra perilous to your oral health.
– Nicotine is deadly to the building of connective tissues and a booster of chemicals that destroy those tissues.
– The chances of effective periodontal disease therapy are lowered and drawn out when you smoke.
– Smokers are relatively much more likely to develop oral cancers than are non-smokers.

Make no mistake about it, smoking is bad for your oral health. We also know that quitting is anything but easy. If you would like help or additional tips about giving up smoking, the team at Johnson Ranch Dental would like to help you. Please set up your next visit with Dr. Oliver Wong now by calling our Roseville, CA, practice at 916-784-1700 now. We’ll see you soon!

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