Having a tooth knocked out, extracted or lost to severe tooth decay can be a very serious cause for concern. Having a lost tooth can impair your ability to efficiently chew food, make you slur your speech and mar your physical appearance. In time, the loss of structure in the area can also cause alignment issues in the surrounding teeth.... read more »
Your routine dental checkup with Dr. Wong is designed to thoroughly address all aspects of maintaining good oral health. Beyond merely examining your teeth and gums for cavities or periodontal disease, he will also perform an oral cancer screening. The American Dental Association reports that each year 1 in 92 adults are diagnosed with some form of oral or pharyngeal... read more »
As the years roll by, chips, stains and other imperfections can have a negative effect on your smile. This can be especially troublesome if your chosen profession involves a lot of personal interaction. Fortunately, Dr. Wong is highly trained and experienced in a wide range of cosmetic smile enhancement treatments. If it is merely a matter of your teeth suffering... read more »
It is always easier to undergo any procedure when you know exactly what to expect. That is why our team wants to provide you with any information we can on your upcoming dental implant procedure. Dental implants are a common form of smile restoration. They can restore your smile when you have lost a tooth. However, the more you know... read more »
Everyone dreams of a beautiful smile. That is why over the years cosmetic dentistry has become popular when it comes to enriching your smile. Dental veneers make your smile look flawless while correcting problems your teeth might have. Some of these problems dental veneers can correct include: · Discolored teeth · Aged or worn down teeth · Misaligned teeth ·... read more »
Dr. Wong and our friendly dental team want you to have the best oral health possible, and one way to achieve that goal is to help you understand your smile a little more. So, today our team has provided information regarding the different parts of a tooth, which are the: -Crown: The crown is the section of the tooth that... read more »
Dental bonding is a beneficial dental treatment that successfully improves the health and appearance of your smile. It can be used to repair decayed teeth, restore chipped or cracked teeth, improve discolored teeth, close spaces between teeth, and much more. When you come into Johnson Ranch Dental for dental bonding, you can expect the following treatment steps: Step 1 -... read more »
Lip, tongue, cheek, and gum injuries are not fun; in fact, they can be a bit terrifying and painful. However, the best thing you can do is stay calm and follow our team's instructions. If you follow these steps, you will be on your way to a strong and successful oral health: -Rinse: Rinse your mouth with warm saltwater solution.... read more »
If you have one or more missing teeth, our team has some great news for you! There are many tooth-replacement options in the dental world today that will help you have the complete and beautiful smile you deserve. Those options are: Dentures If you want a removable dental appliance that gives you the results you are looking for, dentures are... read more »
Dental implants have been used for over twenty years to effectively restore the function and appearance of a tooth that was extracted, or lost due to advanced tooth decay. If you have recently lost a tooth and you would like to have it fully restored, Dr. Wong might recommend a dental implant. The initial appointment involves examining the tooth, and... read more »