Do you work hard to care for your smile? Do you brush, floss, and visit your dentist regularly? But, do you wonder what else you might be able to do to keep your mouth clean?
Unfortunately, plaque is practically invisible, making it difficult to know that you’ve removed it efficiently. If you are interested in cleaning your teeth more effectively, have you ever considered a plaque discoloring agent?
Plaque discoloring agents are very useful because they will literally change the color of plaque, letting you clearly see areas you should clean more thoroughly. Please don’t misunderstand: a disclosing agent will not remove plaque. Instead, you should brush and floss your teeth as normal, then use the disclosing agent, and finally clean any remaining plaque.
Fortunately, plaque disclosing agents come in many forms. For example, plaque discoloring agents can be tablets, a swab, a solution, or even dental floss. Whether you are at risk for gum disease or just interested in having a cleaner smile, please speak with your dentist to learn if a plaque discoloring agent is right for you.
If you would like more information on why plaque discoloring agents work or on which type of agent you should use, please feel free to contact us. We look forward to hearing from you.